Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What's Up Wednesday?

So Wednesday has capped off this three day extravaganza on my diet.  I have seen, talked with, watched, or read what people are saying about eating meat.  I have to step back and say..."What's Up?"
I am not the avid meat eater like my previous pastor.  He would bow his chest and get proud and excited when someone brought up any red meat.  It was almost one of those "manlyisms."  I really enjoy a good rare to medium rare steak.  I like good chicken, but otherwise will leave most chicken dishes.  And though I like seafood my wife's aversion to it has left me not eating much the past 7 years.  And so I sit back and have to take in the bombardment of information and personal stories about lowering or removing meat from my diet.
I ordered this book called the China Study, by Joel Fuhran M.D. because our pediatric dentist and I got into this great discussion about how the information really impacted his families' lives.  He is a fit man anyway, but about two years ago implemented this new diet and has seen his health increase dramatically, as well as some residual weight loss.  I am waiting for it to come--maybe give you a review of it.
It is weird to me how this information has really hit me this week.  I feel Sarah and I are doing a great job of transitioning our family into watching our sugar intake and making sure we are focusing our diet towards a healthier place.  I am hoping that this will educate me more and maybe even guide us further into health and an example for others.  Because my past 9-10 years I have wandered from health and not really paid much attention to what I am doing to my physical self, and of course over the past 3 and a half weeks I am seeing that as I focus on my physical health it really affects my emotional, spiritual, and relational health.

***For those of you who know me best, I really wanted to blog about the iPad.  I am so excited and if any of the readers out there want to get me a gift to support this blog-that's the gift!  I will let you know how I feel in the coming days.  I am just too excited to really give you a good handle on what I think.

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